
Colville Branch Board Members 2022-23

Member Name


Mary Selecky President
VP Programs
Jane Conn
VP Membership
Sue Canto Branch Finance Officer
Leslie Waters/Linda Ray Funds Development/Coffee House
Jackie McGregor Communications
Mary Selecky Public Policy/Tech Trek
Sue Richart Webmaster
Linda Ray Diversity

Board members meet once a month to discuss the group direction and business of the AAUW Colville Branch. They meet before each monthly program meeting.

Colville Branch History

The Colville Branch of AAUW had been inactive for many years. In the mid 1970’s, a number of women with college degrees moved into the area, including women who had been members of AAUW in their previous communities. A notice put in the local paper inviting all women with college degrees to learn about AAUW. Two local women, Myrtle Moser and Barbara Hartle, came to the meeting and provided a rich history of AAUW’s past activities.

After a few months of preliminary meetings, the Colville Branch of AAUW was re-chartered in November 1977 with 29 members. The Colville Branch was an early promoter of equity and welcomed qualified men to join in the efforts for educational equity for women.

Continuing education was, and remains, fundamental to branch vitality and growth. Branch and community members offered presentations at the general meetings, trips were organized to view traveling exhibits in larger towns, and members took part in a book study group. An old headline in a newsletter reads: ‘AAUW takes Advantage of Downtown Merchants.’  The headline referred to a book sale that was held during the annual Sidewalk Sales Days for the purpose of raising funds for the Education Foundation Program.

Since the early 1980’s, the Colville Branch has conducted election year Candidates’ Night Forums, providing local citizens a chance to hear from those seeking an elective office.

Presently, the Branch offers presentations covering such topics as financial planning, a book share, a Women’s History Month event, school levy proposals, travel, community development, sexual abuse and domestic violence, historical events, and more. It celebrates local artists and artisans and promotes local efforts to protect the environment.

The Colville Branch actively promotes equity and opportunity for women and girls through a variety of social and educational events and fundraising for local scholarships and the AAUW Educational Foundation. Annual fundraisers include the Coffeehouse (an evening with local musicians and yummy treats) and a December FUNdraiser, a holiday party with a silent auction.

In 2013 AAUW-WA began a program called Tech Trek, a weeklong science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) weeklong summer camp for rising eighth-grade girls. The Colville Branch sends local science and math-minded girls to this camp.

Above all, this AAUW branch is a group of amazing women, who derive enjoyment and fun from working together to fulfill the mission of advancing equity and education for women and girls.